Residential Roofing Tampa

Choosing Your Next Roofing Contractor
Water, extreme heat, and hurricane season cost Floridians billions of dollars in property damage every year. A high-quality roof that’s installed with the intention of exceeding the state of Florida build codes is your best defense when faced with a storm. We go above and beyond because we want your house to still be in-tact after the next hurricane. Most roofers charge a similar amount to install a new roof on your home. What you’re really looking for when choosing a roofing contractor is a company that cares as much about the people under your roof as you do. At Malphus and Son, we’ve been doing residential roofing for more than 50 years. And we put the same attention to detail into your roofing project as we put into our own.

Why Choose Malphus and Son for your New Roof
When it comes to installing a roof, we don’t believe in cutting corners because we know a roof is your first line of defense from weather that can destroy your home. Choosing Malphus and Son greatly reduces the likelihood of roof damage because we do simple things like replacing damaged sheeting and roof rafters. Prior to installing the shingles, barrel tile, or roll roof coating, we inspect every aspect underneath to identify any issues. We make sure fixable problems are solved so your roof can easily last the life of your warranty. You deserve a roof that is strong in all areas. Don’t leave your roof to chance. Many contractors will cut corners or build to minimum qualifications because they see your roof as an afterthought. We have more than 50 years of building experience in Florida, and we know better.

What Separates Malphus and Son
Choosing a company that will build a roof you’re happy with is a big decision. A quality roof has to be installed by a skilled contractor that has years of experience. You deserve a roof that is built right the first time and is built to last for the duration of your warranty. At Malphus and Son, we’ve been in business for more than 50 years and we have thousands of satisfied customers - because we do quality work. We always stand behind our work, and our customers truly love the job we do. If you want a contractor with a strong track record of success and integrity, call Malphus and Son today.