Restoration Services

All Restoration Efforts Are Not Equal
Many restoration companies work to make your house livable, at Malphus and Son Construction, we want to make your house feel as good as new. The best part about our restoration services is our pricing. For the same service area, we charge a similar amount to companies that just specialize in remediation. Since we are a commercial and residential construction company, the level of work we can offer is just more comprehensive than any remediation specialists. At Malphus and Son Construction, we treat your remediation project just like it’s our home. We repair everything that is affected by the damage and we take steps to reduce the odds of your issue happening again. We have been performing remediation and restoration services for more than 50 years. We’ve fixed everything from isolated water damage in a new home to full structural fire remediation in historical structures. Our wide array of experience gives us the ability to identify solutions that can keep your problem from coming back. Put our experience to work for you and your remediation needs - choose Malphus and Son Construction for your water, fire, and wind damage needs.

How Does Malphus and Son Approach Mold Remediation
Most companies that perform mold remediation focus on water extraction, dryout, deodorization, and carpet cleaning. We are a full service building contractor, so our first step is to identify and isolate the issues that caused the mold, so we can completely fix it. Then we can preventative steps to make sure that part of your house never becomes an issue again.

How Does Malphus and Son Approach Fire Remediation
Many companies that perform fire remediation normally just focus on smoke residue removal, odor removal, soot removal, repairing visible damage, and boarding up windows. Our approach to fire remediation starts with those basic steps, but they end with your house looking and feeling like new. To get your home back to its original condition, we also take the time to remove and rebuild every structural component impacted by fire. This means removing and replacing all affected structural items like nails, wood, trusses and anything else that keeps your house standing. We also pay close attention to non-structural items and we identify possible precautions that will reduce the likelihood that you will be impacted by fire again.

How Does Malphus and Son Approach Wind Remediation
Many companies that perform wind remediation normally just focus on water extraction, dryout, deodorization, and carpet cleaning. We start with those aspects and then we focus on possible damage behind your walls like plumbing leaks, electrical damage, and structural issues that could worsen over time. We identify ways that your house could be fortified against the next storm so you can take action.

Why Choose Malphus and Son
Florida has minimum qualifications for a building to be considered “habitable”, and as long as your house meets these qualifications, you can technically move back in. Do not put your family at risk by choosing to hire a company that wants to do the bare minimum. Malphus and Son Construction, we have been licensed and insured building contractors for more than 50 years. We have the experience to do the job right the first time. If your time is valuable and you want to make sure your restoration is done properly for yourself, your family and your peace of mind – call Malphus and Son Construction for all of your remediation needs.